Monday, April 7, 2008

A lot has happened...


So, once again I quit blogging for a long time. Never the less, a lot has happened. As my friends know, my older sister Dani and her husband Josh are having a baby. Well, she's like 6 days late already and isn't too happy about it. They're having a little boy and naming him Matias. I can't wait! So, it'll happen any time now. Ughghh she's probably going to call in the middle of the night when we're all asleep. Anyways, I also joined the track team, for like 4 days but then I had to quit. You see, I had already made a commitment to my dance team and if I keep on missing dance for track I won't be able to compete at competitions! And I love competing. So, I did what I had to do. As far as spring break, it was all right. I couldn't go anywhere because of Dani's due date. I pretty much just stayed home and had friends over. That is, after they got back from their trips!! Everyone is tan and I'm not!!! Not cool. School's almost done. 47 more days I think. Summer break will rock, I'm trying to convince my parents to take me to California or Spain. Both are awesome :) Well, I better go, I have a science test to study for. Fun :( Peace out.

~ Lyss ~


Telefone VoIP said...
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Ashley said...

Hey Alyssa,
that comment above mine is really freaking me out!
But, you finally blogged!
ive been checking but it was always the same old post! Glad you had a good spring break!